Custom Orthotics

Speak to Dr. Kristine Strauss of Charlotte Foot & Ankle Specialists if you’re seeking orthotics made with a custom inserts foot scanner in Charlotte, NC.

What are Custom Orthotics?

The foot and leg injuries you have sustained may be related to your physical habits, existing medical conditions, or recent accidents. Providing yourself with better foot support can help prevent those kinds of injuries.

Upon determining that your foot pain is related to your ill-fitting shoes, your podiatrist may recommend some solutions. One solution involves wearing different shoes that allow your feet to move better. Unfortunately, finding or wearing different shoes is not an option for everyone. If getting new shoes is difficult or the problem isn’t severe enough to necessitate a complete change in all your footwear, your podiatrist may recommend custom orthotics.

Custom orthotics are specially designed shoe inserts. Once those inserts are positioned correctly in your shoes, they can protect your feet against constant pressure. The foot pain you’ve been struggling with should dissipate after you start using orthotics in your shoes.

Specific foot problems that respond well to orthotics include ankle pain, bunions, bursitis, diabetic neuropathy, plantar fasciitis, and tendinitis. Even injuries affecting your legs and hips may feel better after you start using orthotics.

Wearing custom orthotics can also unlock new opportunities. If you’ve shied away from athletic hobbies previously, you should try them again now that you have custom orthotics.

Obtain the orthotics you need in Charlotte, NC, courtesy of a custom inserts foot scanner provided by Dr. Strauss of Charlotte Foot & Ankle Specialists.

Why Do You Need Orthotics Made by a Custom Inserts Foot Scanner?

Custom orthotics can be created using casts or foot scanners. Foot scanners create better orthotics because they feature greater precision. They can more accurately capture the characteristics of your feet compared to casts, resulting in orthotics that offer superior comfort.

You should also opt for orthotics made with foot scanners if you need them as soon as possible. The quick results provided by foot scanners can lead to the speedy creation of your custom orthotics.

Call 704-504-4000 and get your custom orthotics in Charlotte, NC, provided by Dr. Strauss of Charlotte Foot & Ankle Specialists.

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